
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Food Security and Food Avaibility

Since the food crisis and famine in 1971, has inspired the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) defines immediate problem of food security is when all people, at all times, have physical and economic access to sufficient food, safe and nutritious food to meet needs and their food preferences to support the activities and healthy living.
Campaign on food security is a holistic process through several approaches, including agricultural programs, health and nutrition programs, and economic development.
Learning from 2007, estimated that 923 million people face chronic hunger, often sleeping at night on an empty stomach. This affects all aspects of life and is an obstacle to communities and individuals through life and their potential. In addition to an adequate food supply, factors such as poverty, government instability, natural disasters, and human behavior, lack of knowledge, destructive behavior, and certain beliefs are barriers to food security. (source: fh.org)

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